Will the President sell out?

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Enough is enough

The President of the United States just fired the Director of the FBI (May 9, 2017) . I thought that the Director did a terrible thing when he released incorrect information about Hillary Clinton right before the election. I've thought he should have been fired, but he is appointed for a ten year period, and I think President Obama could not fire him without releasing a firestorm of criticism. Now we have a President that is both a joke and mad man. Someone needs to keep him from destroying our country. I intend to have thoughts and other information frequently on this blog now.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year

Today is New Year's day, 2011. What will the year bring for the planet earth? The year is starting off cold in Nebraska--5 degrees F. Yet global warming or climate change is occurring at an accelerating rate.

This just in from conservative Republican TV celebrities:
Cold spell in Nebraska proves global warming a big liberal lie. Also cold with a foot of snow reported in NY city, Minneapolis and other Northern Cities and States. Liberals are astonished and are establishing prayer groups.

Oprah has her own network beginning this morning, so life is good. A wife just had her son and daughter call his boss and tell him that their father was working too much and need to take time off and take them camping. Oh, O---and I don't mean O for Oprah. This is going to be exciting.

The executives of the big financial institutions are rubbing their hands together like horny crickets awaiting their millions of dollars in bonuses for such good work this year. (How much money could little old Norland have made if he could have borrowed billions at a zero interest rate.) Foreclosures be damned, not my problem (Oh wait, will I have to pay for the bailout someday? Nah, probably be dead.)

Stay tuned for an exciting year ahead. Will the Conservatives repeal Health Care or will the courts do it for them? Will the lobbyist get to the financial regulators? Will the President swim with the Conservatives?

Stay tuned for an exciting "cold" year ahead.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


What happens the day after forever?

If you are religious you learn about everlasting life. Everlasting life would have no end. I can't comprehend how long that would be or what one would be doing forever. What would you do forever? I'm guessing that the day after forever is a day that the Politicians stand up and tell us how good we have it and that they are going to reduce taxes forever. It's now time for a glass of wine and a Tramadol (I have a tooth ache.)

As always, "There's a lot of sadness in the World."

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Week in Review

Politician of the Week---John Edwards
Just because you lied to your wife (who has cancer), lied to voters, disappointed your staff and supporters, had sex with your mistress, had your friends cover-up, and now fess up to fathering a child doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be President of the United States. My Bad!!!

Author of the Week---Stieg Larsson A spellbinding amalgam of murder mystery, family saga, love story, and financial intrigue. (Book cover)

Rich Guy of the Week---Warren Buffett
"It's class warfare, and my class is winning, but they shouldn't be," Buffett says. "If you're in the luckiest 1% of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99%."

And as Norland always says, "There's a lot of sadness in the World."

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Democrats From Hell

Ted Kennedy rolled over in his grave on January 19th. The Irish drank themselves into a Republican stupor. I guess the Democrats are too dumb to realize that they need to plan for success. I think it would be wise for the D's to pay Karl Rove whatever he wants to teach them how to be successful. Mr. Nice guy doesn't work. Mr. Dumb guy doesn't work. What will work?

Decide what the Country needs. Make a long term plan to achieve that goal. Attack the opposition rather than coddle them. If you can't win don't play. Only insane people keep doing the same stupid thing over and over and expect a different result.

I'm going to drink lots of wine now and perhaps I will wake up to the new improved Democrats. God I hope so.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Living in the moment

Today will never reappear except in tomorrow's thoughts. Lusting, creating, building, smiling at those who disappoint, walking away from anger filled lives, fighting evil, drinking the ale of pleasure, tasting a grandchild's homemade cookie, caressing your lover, smelling the nectar of life, being in the present moment is the best we can do.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Health Care

Most of us "care to have health." When our health fails us due to something we did or something that nature did, we want help. Should only the rich, or only the super intelligent, or only politicians get help??