Will the President sell out?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year

Today is New Year's day, 2011. What will the year bring for the planet earth? The year is starting off cold in Nebraska--5 degrees F. Yet global warming or climate change is occurring at an accelerating rate.

This just in from conservative Republican TV celebrities:
Cold spell in Nebraska proves global warming a big liberal lie. Also cold with a foot of snow reported in NY city, Minneapolis and other Northern Cities and States. Liberals are astonished and are establishing prayer groups.

Oprah has her own network beginning this morning, so life is good. A wife just had her son and daughter call his boss and tell him that their father was working too much and need to take time off and take them camping. Oh, O---and I don't mean O for Oprah. This is going to be exciting.

The executives of the big financial institutions are rubbing their hands together like horny crickets awaiting their millions of dollars in bonuses for such good work this year. (How much money could little old Norland have made if he could have borrowed billions at a zero interest rate.) Foreclosures be damned, not my problem (Oh wait, will I have to pay for the bailout someday? Nah, probably be dead.)

Stay tuned for an exciting year ahead. Will the Conservatives repeal Health Care or will the courts do it for them? Will the lobbyist get to the financial regulators? Will the President swim with the Conservatives?

Stay tuned for an exciting "cold" year ahead.


  1. I agree completely. These are words of a true genious.

  2. I agree completely. Words of a smart man, right here.
